For 0 victims 
on the roads

We are a community of partners who want to secure 0 dead and seriously injured on Czech roads. We improve traffic safety, educate the public and promote systemic changes.


Each and every loss of life is unacceptable. Our vision is 0 casualties in road accidents.


To increase road safety via changes to the system and the behaviour of individuals.


Human life has the greatest possible value and we are responsible for doing our utmost to save it.

Our partners

Partners Together for Vision 0


The VIZE 0 platform, together with partners, creates, supports and professionally assists projects that increase road safety. We educate the public, train drivers, deal with prevention and the consequences of car accidents.



Bc. Roman Budský, BA (Hons), MBA
předseda expertní rady
Ing. Libor Budina
projektový manažer

Platforma VIZE 0, z. ú.
Pobřežní 665/21, Karlín, 186 00 Praha 8
IČ: 075 34 663
Ústav, neplátce DPH